Gas monitoring

Things to know about gas monitoring

The selection of the appropriate system as well as the correct periphery depends in each case on the planned application and the examination objective.

Closed hoods / closed measuring chambers

Closed systems do not allow the air in the sample chamber to exchange with the atmosphere. They allow to observe the enrichment of a gas component over a period of time. By assimilation in the closed measuring chamber, the concentration of gas components with low concentration can be increased to such an extent that they can also be measured.

Open hoods / Open measuring chambers

Open systems allow gas exchange with the atmosphere and provide a measuring section in which flow rates can be determined on the basis of the gradient. The opening to the atmosphere ensures conditions in the measuring chamber as close to natural as possible and a low impact on existing vegetation.

Lance probes

Lance probes are pierced into the soil, allowing soil gases to be sampled from specific depths. Lance probes can be used to perform continuous sampling in the field as well as to take discrete samples for examination in the laboratory.

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