Teledyne ISCO Signature Flowmeter
Teledyne ISCO Signature Flowmeter
The Signature® Flowmeter is designed for fixed flow measurement and a variety of applications. It calculates flow using standard equations for level or area velocity conversion, as well as user-defined equations or discrete data points for level & area/flow relationship. It supports the following TIENet® sensors:
- 360 LaserFlow (with/without explosion protection) - non-contact flow velocity sensor
- 350 Doppler ultrasonic AV (with/without explosion protection) - contact flow velocity sensor
- 310 Ultrasonic sensor for level/flow measurement
- 330 Bubbler/bead sensor for level/flow measurement
Individually configurable measuring platform
With up to 9 connection options for the TIENet sensors, pH/water temperature probes, automatic samplers, precipitation gauges and analog input and output cards, the Signature measuring device offers an individually configurable measuring platform including flash memory for data storage. Communication options include the 320 x 240 pixel display, a USB port on the front, an Ethernet port and an optional built-in cellular modem.
Information on power supply, data quality, humidity in the housing, events, calibration changes etc. can be logged to monitor data integrity, while the alarm functions ensure data quality and make it easier to plan maintenance work on site.