Working for the environment for more than 30 years
In 1992, Dr Manfred Seyfarth and Bernd Fürst founded Umwelt-Geräte-Technik GmbH in Müncheberg. A lot has happened since then and we have developed into one of the world's leading manufacturers of lysimeter and measurement technology. We are proud of this and want to continue to convince with our expertise and commitment.
30 years of UGT: time for a new look
30 years of Umwelt-Geräte-Technik GmbH! We have taken our company anniversary as an opportunity to redesign our external appearance. We are happy about our new logo and our colorful corporate design. We are now officially the Solutionists - your solution finders! In the course of this, we have completely redesigned our website so that we can present our solutions to you even more attractively - also on the smartphone. And with our new, colorful booth, we're on the road every year at even more conventions, annual meetings and trade shows. We are looking forward to 30 more years UGT!

Dr. Sascha Reth sole shareholder
The founders of Umwelt-Geräte-Technik GmbH, Dr Manfred Seyfarth and Bernd Fürst, have transferred all their shares to Dr Sascha Reth at the beginning of 2022. The biologist with a doctorate has been part of the team for almost 15 years. He opened the new southern branch in Freising in 2008, 2020 moved to the Munich Airport Business Park. "I would like to lead UGT into a new era together with my managing director colleague Dr Marco Reiche," says Dr Reth.

Relocation of UGT NIEDERLASSUNG SÜD to the Munich Airport Business Park in Hallbergmoos
Customer proximity and a focus on service are important characteristics and success factors for UGT's work in both the national and international markets. With our customer centre in the Munich Airport Business Park, we have modern conference rooms and technology that make workshops and distributor meetings effective and time-saving. The proximity to Munich Airport also enables short and stop-over meetings with our customers. We expect many new impulses and look forward to interesting new projects in 2021 and beyond.

Hall extension 2
UGT is committed to the long tradition of Müncheberg as a research location and as an employer to the people of our region. With success on the national and international market, jobs are secured and new ones created. With the doubling of the production area in 2016, we have created better working conditions and can manufacture large-volume PE-HD lysimeter stations in-house. We have specially equipped rooms for the field of microelectronics and microsystems technology. With the new production hall with a total of 900m² production area, UGT has a productive area of 1800m² in 2017. The course for the future of the company has been set, and the team is working continuously with an eye to the future.

Opening Service Centre France
On 02 January 2010, a service centre of UGT GmbH was opened in Homècourt, France, which is located on the premises of the industrial association GISFI. This site is also a test location for the implementation of soil remediation processes of a former settlement of the steel and coal industry. The basis for the tests is a technically well-equipped large-scale lysimeter facility, which was built for this purpose by UGT GmbH in France.

Opening of Niederlassung Süd
On 15 September 2008, the UGT GmbH Niederlassung Süd was founded in the Greater Munich area and moved into premises in the Freising-Weihenstephan Innovation and Start-up Centre. In addition to office space, exhibition and conference areas allow the complete range of services of UGT GmbH to be represented.

Inauguration of the soil physics laboratory
A year later, a well-equipped soil physics laboratory was inaugurated and a permanent groundwater monitoring station was established. These facilities are used to carry out project work and to verify measurement methods and environmental measuring stations from our own development and production.

Hall extension
With the hall extension built in 2001, additional production space was created for the manufacture and assembly of large-volume lysimeter container stations, as well as for the construction of jigs and fixtures, in order to be able to meet the rapidly growing demand for these test facilities.

Establishment of an own permanent establishment
With its own production facility, built in 1999, UGT GmbH has state-of-the-art development workplaces for applied microelectronics and precision mechanics, as well as a well-equipped production facility with modern machinery and manufacturing technologies that meet the demands for rational series production as well as customer-specific device construction.

Foundation of the UGT
On 2 May 1992, Umwelt-Geräte-Technik GmbH (UGT) started its activities as a spin-off from ZALF e.V.. The company founders Dr. Manfred Seyfarth (l.) and Bernd Fürst (r.) and employees of the first hour of Umwelt-Geräte-Technik GmbH have worked scientifically and technically in various areas of the Research Centre for Soil Fertility Müncheberg for many years.
Supported by competent partners, an interdisciplinary and efficient team of scientists, engineers and technicians is available today.
Our employees have worked scientifically for many years in the fields of hydrology, soil physics, geoecology and geography, biology, and scientific equipment construction. Solid expertise, coupled with extensive experimental experience in the laboratory and field, form the basis for developing and manufacturing environmental equipment technology with a high level of innovation, quality and utility value characteristics.