
In-Situ Aqua TROLL 100 / 200

In-Situ Aqua TROLL 100 / 200

Item no.: 5050145 (Aqua TROLL 100) Item no.: 5050134 (Aqua TROLL 200)

Advantages at a glance

  • measures conductivity and temperature reliably and accurately
  • robust, durable titanium housing
  • dynamic density compensation
  • optimal for long-term measurements

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In-Situ Aqua TROLL 100 / 200

With the In-Situ Aqua TROLL 100, you measure the conductivity and temperature in the water and with the Aqua TROLL 200 additional the water level - even under harsh environmental conditions. The meter also calculates and documents derived parameters such as specific and actual conductivity, salinity, dissolved solids, water density and resistivity. Standard logger modes include linear, linear/fast, linear average, and event sampling with readout rates up to 1/s.

What can you use the Aqua TROLL 100 / 200 for?

Thanks to the corrosion-free, rugged titanium housing, this meter is especially suited for long-term monitoring in aquifers, wetlands, remediation projects, or mining water management. However, you can also use the Aqua TROLL for short-term measurements such as tracer tests. Dynamic density compensation ensures superior water level accuracy even in environments with fluctuating salinity due to mixing, rain or tides.

Material: Titanium
Dimensions: 1.83 (OD) x 31.5 cm
Weight: 500 g
Accuracy conductivity: < 80,000 ±0,5% of reading  
> 80,000 ±1% of reading
Accuracy temperature: ±0,1°C
Accuracy pressure: ±0,1% full scale
Output options: open communication protocols including, Modbus/RS485, SDI-12, and 4-20 mA
Power: Internal battery or line power / solar panel

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