
UGT WIP-Master

UGT WIP-Master

Item no.: 1289096 (WIP-Master)

Advantages at a glance

  • efficient multiplexer box for the connection of WIPs to a Picarro isotope analyzer
  • special software for automated and control of gas flows
  • self-sufficient measurements, incl. feeding of standards

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UGT WIP-Master

What is the WIP Master?

The WIP Master is a component of the WIP system. It connects the Water Isotope Probes (WIPs) to the Picarro water isotope analyzer and continuously controls the gas flows for sample gas, dilution and pressure compensation of the connected WIPs by means of mass flow controller and control software.


The WIP master is a multiplexer box with control boards, voltage transformer, mass flow controllers and solenoid valves with manifold block (valve block). There are 10 ports on the valve block for connecting WIP probes, isotope standards and the safety purge line. All tubing as well as the USB cable can be easily connected to the master via a cable feed-through strip. The splash-proof housing is suitable for outdoor use.

The WIP Master also includes a holding block for 3 x 250 ml Duran glass bottles as well as 3 x WIP reference probes. The individually adjustable dilution level allows up to three secondary isotope standards at different water vapor concentrations to be included in the measurement routine.


The supplied IsWasIs control software is installed on the Windows-based Picarro measuring computer. It includes the configuration files for setting different measurement routines for different probes (flow rates and control variables for the measurement and purge cycles), a user-friendly interface for visualizing the current measurement data and flow rates, and a log file (csv) with time stamp and probe status.


If you want to use more than six measurement WIPs in your experimental setup, you can connect a distribution box (WIP hub) to one or more ports of the valve block in the master. Each hub allows you to connect 10 WIPs. You can therefore connect and control a total of 70 WIPs and three WIP reference probes (or two WIP reference probes and one safety purge line) to a Picarro analyzer and master. To expand the master with a hub, you need a connection harness incl. cable.


50 x 21,1 x 54 cm


20 kg

Protection class

IP54 (splash-proof on all sides)

Power supply

230 V


10 Ports, standard for 6 WIPs/hubs, 3 isotope standards, 1 purge line


Regularly included in delivery: 3 WIPs for standard measurements (40 cm tube length), holder for max. 3 standards, 3 Duran glass bottles (250 ml) with adapter connection


IsWISaS. Python-Script, for installation on Windows computers of the Picarro analyzer. User-friendly GUI shows the current measured values and flow rates

Item no.





Connection line 5 m


Connection line 10 m


Connection line 15 m


[…] all lengths in 5 m steps up to 50 m


Connection line 50 m


Remote Technical Jumpstart –
Remote installation of the software and assistance in setting up the system


  • Either dry air or nitrogen with a supply pressure to the flow regulator of 1 to 2 bar are required as carrier and dilution gas.
  • To install the IsWISaS software, you must install the appropriate Python version on your Picarro analyzer: Python 3.9.13 (WIN64 Installer)

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