
Teledyne ISCO TIENet 350 Ex Flow sensor

Teledyne ISCO TIENet 350 Ex Flow sensor

Item no.: 5040346 (for Signature)  Item no.: 5040349 (for Duratracker)  (Also available as a rental device)

Advantages at a glance

  • for lightly to heavily contaminated media   
  • suitable for ATEX Zone 0   
  • for simple applications   
  • cost-effective 

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Teledyne ISCO TIENet 350 Ex Flow sensor

The Teledyne ISCO TIENet 350 Ex area velocity sensor is a cost-effective flow sensor for use in lightly to heavily contaminated media. Suitable for use in potentially explosive gas atmospheres (Zone 0,1,2), it can also be used directly in the duct system. In combination with the Duratracker Ex, you get a complete system suitable for ATEX Zone 0.  

The 350 Ex Av sensor is installed in the channel using a mounting plate, usually on the floor, or on the wall if the floor is covered with sediment. The combination sensor measures the average velocity using the ultrasonic Doppler method and the level using an internal differential pressure transducer.   

The information is forwarded to the Signature® or DuraTracker flow meter to calculate the flow rate according to the formula Q = v (average) * A, taking into account the channel geometry.  The 350 Ex AV sensor is available with 10 m, 23 m or user-defined cable lengths. The TIENet Ex Air Reference Box is available for longer distances, external connection via a cable conduit and connection of an additional TIENet device.

Speed measurement

The 350 Ex area velocity sensor contains a pair of ultrasonic transducers. One transducer emits the continuous ultrasonic wave. As the transmitted wave travels through the flow, the particles and bubbles carried by the flow reflect the sound wave back to the sensor. The second transducer receives the reflected wave. The sensor determines the frequency shifts between the transmitted and received waves.   

An increase or decrease in the frequency of the reflected wave indicates a forward or reverse flow, whereby the frequency shift is proportional to the speed of the flow. The Duratracker/ Signature/2150 module flow meter analyses the average flow velocity from the measured frequency spectrum using proven mathematical algorithms.

Level measurement

The internal differential pressure transducer of the 350 Ex sensor measures the water level. The transducer is a small piezoresistive chip that detects the difference between the pressures on the inner and outer surfaces. The outer stainless steel diaphragm transmits the absolute pressure to the transducer. The inside of the sensor is connected to the atmosphere via the ventilation capillary in the cable and thus records the barometric pressure.   

The difference between the two values is the hydrostatic pressure, which is proportional to the height of the water column above the sensor. Temperature compensation takes place over the entire range of 0-70°C.


2.2 x 3.9 x 16.2 cm 

Cable length:

10m / 23m / on customer request up to 30 m/ up to 150m with reference 

Operating temperature:


Fill level

Level technology:              

Relative pressure measurement

Measuring range:

0.01 - 3.05 m. Burst pressure 10 m water column 


± 0.10% FS 


± 0.007m/yr 

Flow velocity


Ultrasonic Doppler method 


500 kHz, angle 20° deviation from horizontal 

Flow direction:

mono- or bi-directional (user setting) 

Min. fill level:

2.5 cm 

Min. pipe diameter:

10 cm 

Measuring range:

-1.5 to +6.1 m/s 


±0.03 m/s at -1.5 to +1.5 m/s, ±2% at 1.5 to 6.1 m/s


with 10m cable for connection to Signature 


with 23m cable for connection to Signature 


with 10m cable and TIENet plug for connection to Duratracker or Portable Signature  


with 23m cable and TIENet plug for connection to Duratracker or Portable Signature  


with short cable for connection to LaserFlow 


with up to 30m cable length on customer request, for connection to Signature 


with up to 30m cable length on customer request, for connection to Duratracker or Portable Signature

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