
Weather Stations

Weather stations record meteorological variables at a specific location. They are used for weather observation and, in the long term, for climate research. Depending on the problem and task, a weather station consists of a combination of different measuring instruments.

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Depending on the location of use and the desired measurement accuracy, the appropriate sensors can be selected from a wide range of sensors that differ in terms of both quality and measurement technology, and combined in a sensible manner. For example, the requirements for the installed sensor technology at a location in the high mountains are different from those at a location in the lowlands or in a city.

Since meteorological processes always have an influence on soil, fauna and flora, the water balance of an area and land use, weather stations are also frequently used as an extension of a hydrological, biological or chemical measuring station as an additional source of information.

Possible sensors:

  • air temperature sensor (maximum, minimum thermometer)
  • psychrometer (for determining air humidity)
  • thermohygrograph
  • precipitation gauge
  • wind direction and wind speed sensor
  • global radiation sensor
  • other possible sensors: barometers for recording air pressure, sensors for recording sunshine duration, sensors for recording soil temperature (also at different depths), leaf wetness sensors

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